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Many new clients arrive at our doors with the goal to become more flexible.

The idea that Pilates will increase flexibility is a blurred misconception as generally a tight muscle is a weak muscle, therefore that area of the body or an opposing muscle needs to be strengthened before stretching can occur.

Fortunately with every Pilates exercise, when performed correctly, there is equal and opposite pull created throughout the body; and it is this increase in strength that promotes the increase in flexibility, this is what gives the impression that Pilates will assist in flexibility.

Our last article about Functional Training being applied at a desired level to achieve a satisfactory result and a happy client, must be considered when programming for all clients. Each Pilates exercise can be increased or decreased in intensity to accommodate each particular client’s strength, flexibility and need. This is the reason we filter our classes into Beginners, Essential, Intermediate and Advanced classes.

From the 29th of April to the 24th of June we will be running our Beginners classes as an 8 week course, this takes into consideration the public holidays during School Term 2. The Beginners classes will teach the basic exercises, understanding the equal and opposite pull created to increase strength and flexibility. It is an opportunity to become aware of correct body alignment during any movement, exercise or sitting at a desk.

The classes are limited to 4 clients in each class: Monday 9 am, 2 spaces available; Tuesday 6 pm, 1 space available; Beginners Reformer Thursday 10.15 am, 2 spaces available, NB: it is highly recommended that some mat work has been covered before entering the Beginners Reformer class.

The cost for 8 X Beginners Mat classes is $220.00, for 8 X Beginners Reformer classes is $264.00.

To attend more than once a week, find a more suitable time or gain further information, please contact us on 0432 269 472, via Facebook or the website

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